Monday, October 17, 2016


(originally published February 6, 2016)

In this episode R2 and 3PO encounter the Jawas and have their fateful meeting with Luke Skywalker. Luke discovers a mysterious message and R2 D2 sets off to find the enigma, Obi Wan Kenobi.
We talk about C-3PO over acting, Luke's less whiny attitude, and Scott reveals R5-D4 is really Skippy the JEDI Droid?!?!? 

ENJOY, and make sure you let us know what you think of the podcast! "You may think you've seen the movie; just wait 'til you hear it!"...

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1 comment:

  1. I don't know IF I buy into this "will of the Force idea." The Force is not "God" .
    It does not have IA. It's simply an energy field created by all living things.
    I think all that happened with the "twins" in this movie was all based upon the FACT the Princess Leia Organa adopted Father knew where Obi-Wan was and the fact that he was guarding Luke ( and he knew Luke was Leia's Brother ) so he sent her to get him - and by default - knew there would be a good chance Ben would go get Luke. Ben didn't run into Luke by chance - he knew Luke was in trouble . The droids ended up close to the farm and Ben's home because Leia was given the location of Ben to give to R2 because Bail gave her that data.
